Saturday 8 January 2011

The first week....

Hey guys.

Thought I should post an update on my progress, considering the first week of January is now over (today's the 8th in case you're wondering!).

This week I've spent quite a lot of time in the evening browsing the internet, and yes, i've been on a number of clothing websites, including ASOS, Net-A-Porter, Next, Very, Top Shop, etc. 

I've seen so many items of clothing that I want, and it's been all the more tempting to buy with so many items being marked down in the sales.

The bad news is I still have the urge to buy and have been adding numerous items to my basket, including clothes, shoes, jewellery and bags.

The good news is I haven't actually purchased anything! Not even a pair of tights, which recently i'd become rather partial to buying in the run up to Christmas.

I know it's only a week in to my resolution, but i'm so proud of myself! Usually by now, i'd have ordered at least a pair of shoes and a few items of clothing.

This is progress and I think I deserve a treat, so i'm off to order myself a pizza! Here's to the next week (small steps needed, not giant leaps).

I know next week will be harder as i'm starting to go to the gym, which as I mentioned in my first post, is slap bang in the middle of The Village in Westfield. I have to walk past Kurt Geiger and Ted Baker to get to it. I'll really need some willpower not to walk in on my way to GymBox! 

Today i've also sorted through my shoe collection and will shortly be adding 10 pairs to eBay. Next step is to go through all my clothes as I really need to slim down my wardrobe. I think i'll tackle this tomorrow, as I can only part with so much in one day! ;-)

Wish me luck peeps and have a great weekend!

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