Monday 3 January 2011

Somebody get me some willpower....

New years resolutions... I never make any as I know i'll always end up breaking them within 7 days of the bells chiming midnight on 31st December. This time however, i've decided to break with tradition and set myself some achievable resolutions that mainly resolve around shopping.

If you follow me on twitter (@SharonAnne99), you'll know that I have something of an addiction to shopping for shoes and clothes. On average, I buy 2 to 3 pairs of shoes a month (in the last week alone, i've purchased 2 pairs!). With regards to clothing, I purchase at least one item / piece / article of clothing a week.... minimum. 

This has left me with the nightmare scenario of completely running out of space in both wardrobes for any more shoes or clothes. They are literally bulging at the hinges and will probably collapse under the weight of all the shoe boxes any day now.....

So my main resolution is to stop buying clothes and shoes that I don't need. And let's face it, I have so many clothes and shoes in my wardrobes that are brand new, that in reality I don't need to buy any for months. I would say years even, but that will bring me out in cold sweats as it's just too horrendous an idea to even contemplate.

So there we have it, my resolutions for 2011. You may think these will be easy to accomplish, but bear this in mind... I work opposite Westfield, my gym is in Westfield and I have to walk past my favourite shoe shop in the world (Kurt Geiger) to get to it! 

This is probably going to be the hardest thing i've ever done, even harder than learning to walk again after 3 major spinal operations. I kid you not.

I'll keep you updated with my progress.... if I do buy something, i'll report back and you can shout at me. But when I report back that I haven't bought anything, I will expect a pat on the back and choruses of 'well done'!

I'm off to see if I can buy willpower on eBay, as something tells me i'm going to need some! 

Wish me luck people! 

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